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Paani Ayo!

Abigail Weeks

Little by little we are continuing to fix the water supply system around the school. A few days ago we realized that the valve for the community water supply from the water tank only opened 1/4 of the way. Often as we are working on our project, community members stop by to inquire why water isn’t coming to their pipe or tap. Most of the time it isn’t because we turned something off, but rather because the water supply line is clogged, a tank isn’t being filled, or a pipe is leaking. Just this week our water supply was clogged because a big fat rat had crawled into the pipe and died!

Members of the Community Inspect the Tank

For a country with such abundance of water (Nepal has the second greatest hydropower potential in the world) this lack of access to water due to poor/nonexistent infrastructure and community ambivalence can be incredibly frustrating.

School Headmaster and community members meet to discuss water access issues

Today we were able to replace the faulty community valve so that the community will now have a greater water supply. 

Attaching GI union to new pipe segment to replace leaking pipe

Besides that, we dug out more trenches in which to lay pipe and poured the slab and curb for the tap stand. 

Daniel digs the Trench

Slab is poured for the tap stand!

Today is also the last day our U.S. mentor Lisa will be working with us. We are all sad to see her go as she has been the backbone of this trip and is the biggest reason the implementation of the project hasn’t been a failure. From scouring Kathmandu for materials and explaining designs to masons in Nepali to involving each student in a hands on capacity throughout implementation, her value and good company is immeasurable. 

We wish Lisa safe travels and hope she has a good time in Portland with all the delicious food she deserves.


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A student chapter of Engineers Without Borders at the University of Colorado Boulder​

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