Our Current Project
Our team is currently working on a water distribution project with the Hattitar community in Eastern Nepal.
In Winter 2022 our team traveled to Hattitar to assess the current state of the current EWB dam.
Spring and Summer 2023 entail preparation and system design for a implementation trip in Winter 2023.
Project Background
Our project in the Hattitar village of the Maijogmai (formerly Namsaling) Rural Municipality began in the Summer of 2019. With the help of the Namsaling Community Development Center, NCDC, the team met with the members of the community and did some basic surveying of the local spring source - the foundation of the project to aid water collection.
This led up to the Winter 2019-2020 trip, a formal assessment trip dedicated to gathering more in-depth survey and design information about the spring source. Since then, the team has worked to develop means to protect the spring source and establish a distribution line to community residences. COVID prevented the team from traveling, but the team was able to collaborate with professional engineers to remotely implement a dam at the spring source. Fortunately, a team was able to travel to Hattitar in following the Fall 2022 semester. This trip served to reestablish community ties and make repairs on the dam.
Currently, the team is working on improving the quality and flow of water from the EWB dam and the local RM dam. Designs for a roughing filter, a burrito drain, and a distribution line are currently in the works. The team aims to return to Hattitar in Winter of 2023 to implement these solutions.
Throughout this project, NCDC and the community have been excellent partners and helped share so much of what Nepal is with the EWB students. The team is excited to return back to the community as soon as we can, and welook forward to working with our partners over the next several years.