Hello all! We are well into construction here in Kalinchowk. There is no WiFi nor enough cellular data to post blogs, but we have worked out a system and are sending the blog content to a very helpful friend back in Colorado via text! We will be back-posting posts from previous days in the coming week.

For now, here is the update for June 13th:
This morning the team headed up to the school where the tap stand is being constructed around 6:30am. In addition to constructing the planned tap stand we are working at the concrete water tank a bit up the hill to ensure reliable water flow at the school and the neighboring community.

We went up to the school tank and hooked up a 32 mm pipe. This wider gauge piping allows a greater flow than the existing 25mm pipe (According to Lisa, James did an excellent job putting the union on the HDPE pipe)! Then we built Box A, a stone lined box in the ground to contain the pipe transition from 32mm to 25mm further down the line. We added a T fitting to this transition point so that another pipe can be added in the future for a water tank that another NGO called Community Development Fund is providing at the school. Then we hooked up two 25 mm pipes down at Box C, one of which supplies the existing tap and the other of which will supply the new tap stand. We connected new pipes to the existing tap and tested the whole piping system with success!

We finished morning work late and so were punished with cold Daal bhat.
After food we tightened some unions and pipe connections to eliminate leakage. We also mortared 2 connection boxes and the retaining wall by the new tap stand area.
Bhupal has returned! Along with mangos he brought additional supplies including more pipe, pipe fittings, a tarp to cover cement, and a new gate valve for the community pipe at the tank. Tomorrow we will pour the slab for the tap stand!

Look out for new blog posts and we will be posting blogs from the past few weeks now that we have a way to share them with you all!
Suba ratri! And don’t forget to like and subscribe for more updates!
-the team