With Lisa gone, Daniel sick, Emily working on finances at the NCDC office, and our workers, Tufan, Ghanshyam, Pokhar, and Salika, back to working on a new school building, just James and I (Abbie) worked on the piping with a few hours of help from Tufan in the morning.

We laid the rest of the drainage pipe in the newly dug trench for the rest of the drainage line and backfilled. We also cut out excess length from a few pipes (with expert HDPE pipe to GI union threading done by James).

At the tank, we constructed and tightened the pieces necessary to join the overflow and drainage outflow. Sadly, after draining the tank and attaching this union system, we discovered the outflow pipes were too angled to use our 90 degree elbow and metal nipples. We brainstormed a redesign using some HDPE pipes for flexibility and will construct that tomorrow.
Today was also the last day of school for the kids as monsoon seasons hits full force and more help is needed farming. We attended an assembly in the temporary learning center. After watching a few students perform dances, James and I were asked if we wanted to perform a dance. If only we had pre-choreographed a routine!

Lots of cows roaming the terraces near us today and a cluster of kids watched us work in the afternoon. Physically constructing our designs has been a new level of rewarding. I love lugging bags of fittings up the hill, using old wrenches to thread pipes together, and getting soaked in the process. Sitting in the tank pipe box this morning, surrounded in fog, it was hard not to be in love with this project.

It was great to talk to the team back home via conference call!
Dhanyabaad (thank you),
Abigail Weeks