Namaste friends and family! Greetings from your favorite summer travel team!
After an exhausting 36 hours of traveling we arrived at the Kathmandu airport. Before leaving the airport for homestay, we were greeted by a dozen wild monkeys running across the red roof of the airport.
Our first day in Katmandu was full of much needed food and rest. The family at our homestay are incredibly kind and also incredible cooks. They have been serving us tasty Nepali cuisine, which has been a needed change from the CU Boulder dining halls. The little boy at our homestay is a joy to be around and has helped to teach us basic Nepali words and Nepali names of animals.
Today was our full day in Katmandu and we got to see the city up close and personal as we traveled on foot to the nearby Enviornment and Public Health Orginization (ENPHO) offices to purchase water quality testing materials for later this summer. The city is even busier than I could have ever imagined. The streets are bustling with street vendors, motorbikes and the surprisingly cute stray dogs.
After seeing ENPHO's lab, we headed to the tourist district of Kathmandu, Thamel, to get dinner with Kiran at Third Eye, a very popular restaurants among past travel teams and our mentor Bhupal. Kiran teaches in schools in Nepal and is a very valuable resource to our team.
We have so much to learn about the language and culture of Nepal but we are excited to tackle challenges and decisions we may face in the coming months. Tomorrow, Noah Kaiser (past travel team member and EDC graduate student) will arrive and our professional mentor Mike Gill will arrive later this week and meet us at Katmandu University in Dhulikel.
We will try and update this blog at least once a week, (wifi permitting) to keep everyone in the loop about our well being as well updates on the our projects. So please check in frequently!
Thank you so much for all the support!
